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Miami, Florida,
State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle announces the arrest of a local man who schemed to defraud a 94-year-old woman out of almost $20,000 in cash and her home worth over $600,000. The charges are a result of an investigation by the State Attorney’s Office Elder and Vulnerable Adult (EVA) Exploitation Task Force in conjunction with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and other service providers who worked together to protect our Victim from being left penniless and homeless.
WHO: State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle Members of the SAO Elder and Vulnerable Adult Exploitation Task Force
WHAT: Press Conference
WHEN: Friday, November 17th, 2023 2:30pm
WHERE: State Attorney’s Office 1350 N.W. 12 Ave, N-418 Miami, Fl 33136
For further information, please contact Lissette Valdes-Valle, Public Information Officer, at (305) 547-0535 or