Dear Friend,
As you may already know, every Florida legislative session, my Leadership Team and I advocate for solutions that affect and impact the work our office as well as the safety of our community. I always take advantage of this opportunity to educate our legislators about the needs of those who are essential to the operation of the criminal justice system. There is a whirlwind of activity, conversations, presentations, and meetings. We do not always get everything that we ask for, but we definitely take steps in the right direction.
It has been an honor and a privilege to advocate on behalf of all the dedicated prosecutors and staff throughout our criminal justice system for a livable wage, especially in this challenging economy. For years, I have shared with you our challenges in being able to recruit and retain the most talented individuals who are passionate about serving as ministers of justice. Last year, I helped obtain substantial raises. This year, the Legislature passed a 5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all State employees which is pending the Governor’s signature.
For our attorneys, in addition to the COLA, the budget also provides a Special Pay Increase (SPI) for prosecutors, which the Legislature requires be applied after the 5% COLA. This special pay increase comes with an appropriated set dollar amount that will allow me to raise the starting salary for newly hired Assistant State Attorneys, provide an additional percentage raise to each prosecutor to be calculated after the initial 5% COLA, and raise the floor for the various prosecutorial positions.
As our incredible support staff are equally deserving and the cost of living in Miami is so high, I advocated for a much-needed Locality Pay Additive for all positions. Unfortunately, the legislature did not include such an appropriation in the bill. Nevertheless, with the limited funds we have remaining from our existing vacancies, I intend to provide every support staff team member an additional increase to be effective June 1st, prior to the 5% COLA effective date.
We are thankful to the Legislature for the pay increase, and to those partners and stakeholders who joined us in advocating for greatly needed and deserved recognition. Upon being signed by the Governor, the raises will be effective July 1st.
I want you to be assured that I will continue to seek the compensation and benefits that those who choose a life of public service deserve. I will return to Tallahassee again and again for as long as it takes to accomplish this goal. There is no better way to show our appreciation and how much we value them for their continued commitment to our mission of securing public safety and safeguarding Smart Justice in our community. I am hopeful these increases will be of some assistance in this tough economy, and I will continue my fight for the Best Team in America!!