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Miami SAO COVID-19 Advisory: 06/04/2022

The following employees have tested positive for COVID:

Employee 1:

In the past two weeks, our employee was at work every workday in our Human Trafficking  building on the 4th Floor.  In addition, our employee was in the REG Courthouse courtroom 4-4 (Judge Altfield) every workday other than May 26 and 30.

Employee 2:

In the past two weeks, our employee was at work every workday in the Graham building on the 4th Floor North and South.  In addition, our employee was on the 5th Floor South on May 28, 1st Floor North on May 31, 1st Floor South on June 1, 2nd Floor North and South on June 2, and 2nd Floor South and 1st Floor North on June 3.

For more information, Assistant State Attorneys should please contact Lorna B. Salomon, Senior Employment Counsel and Records Custodian, at [email protected]. Support staff should contact Jody Rivera, Senior Human Resource Administrator, at [email protected].

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