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Miami (April 15, 2022) – State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle and Miami-Dade Police Department Interim Director George A. Perez announce the arrests of 45-year-old Evelyn Dinora Lopez De Ramirez De Hernandez and 45-year-old Yuri Hernandez for the alleged financial exploitation of a 69-year-old, legally blind, dementia victim. Utilizing her position as caretaker for the victim, Ramirez De Hernandez and Hernandez allegedly gained access to the victim’s finances and are charged with ultimately depriving the victim of approximately $130,000. “
This poor woman needed care and assistance, which is why she hired De Ramirez De Hernandez,” said State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle. “But what she allegedly received was an apathetic concern about her daily physical needs and a greedy hand rummaging through the finances intended to provide for her care. These issues are what make crimes against our disabled and our elder residents so troubling. I applaud the Miami-Dade Police Department for their investigative work on this case so that my prosecutors could bring these alleged crimes before our criminal courts.”
Evelyn Dinora Lopez De Ramirez De Hernandez is charged with:
• 1 Count – Exploitation of Elderly/Disabled Over $100,000 – 1st Degree Felony
• 1 Count – Theft from Elderly Over $50,000 – 1st Degree Felony
• 1 Count – Organized Fraud Over $50,000 – 1st Degree Felony
Yuri Hernandez is charged with:
• 1 Count – Theft from Elderly Over $50,000 – 1st Degree Felony
• 1 Count – Organized Fraud Over $50,000 – 1st Degree Felony
• 1 Count Conspiracy to Commit Organized Fraud Over $50,000 2nd Degree Felony
The victim’s situation came to the attention of the Miami-Dade Police Department after relatives of the victim, residing in North Carolina, received a telephone call from the victim’s Investment Advisor (who is also a family friend) notifying the family of a disconcerting telephone call he received from the victim. The victim had called the Investment Advisor seeking to withdraw $40,000 from her investment account. During the telephone call, the Advisor heard a female voice in the background instructing the victim on what to say and on how to answer the Advisor’s questions. The Advisor found the entire conversation strange, particularly as he had not spoken with the victim during the prior two years. The Advisor indicated that the victim needed to personally come to his office to discuss the matter.
The following day, the victim came to the Advisor’s office in a wheelchair, accompanied by her caregiver (Evelyn Lopez Ramirez De Hernandez). The Advisor informed Ms. Ramirez De Hernandez that the victim’s finances were confidential and requested that she wait outside of his office. Upon her exit, the Advisor expressed his concerns to the victim regarding the odd behavior during their recent telephone conversation. The victim said that everything was fine and that she did not need to withdraw any funds.
Ramirez De Hernandez returned three days later, without the victim, presented the Advisor with a “Power of Attorney”, and sought to withdraw funds from the victim’s account on behalf of the victim. The Advisor questioned the validity of the document and told Ms. Ramirez De Hernandez that the victim would have to come in person to withdraw the funds. After documenting what had transpired, the Advisor contacted the family members in North Carolina and a relative came to Miami to personally review the situation.
With local Miami friends, the relative gained access to the victim’s home and found her awake but disoriented and covered in urine and feces. Only water in multiple jugs and a bottle of unknown fluid accessible via a straw were found in the house. After requesting medical transportation to take the victim to a hospital, a woman arrived at the home indicating that she had been hired by Ms. Ramirez de Hernandez to go by the home once a day, provide the victim with a sandwich, clean the victim and the home while also administering all the victim’s medications at one time, rather than in the manner as prescribed.
All this information was provided to the police and the resulting investigation revealed extensive financial activity within the victim’s accounts with monies allegedly going from Ramirez De Hernandez into accounts controlled by Hernandez.
“It is shameful when people defraud members of our community; however, it’s appalling to see criminals exploit our vulnerable elderly community. Our Economic Crimes Unit will continue to investigate thoroughly any criminal activity against our elderly and work closely with the State Attorney’s Office to prosecute them to the furthest extent of the law,” said Director George A. Perez. “Our elderly community has given so much to create the foundation of today’s society, and it is our responsibility to protect them.”
For media interviews with State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, please call 305-547-0535 to check her afternoon availability.
For further information contact, please contact Ed Griffith, Public Information Officer, at (305) 547-0535 or [email protected].